The most important thing in achieving the results you deserve as a seller is getting the correct marketing for your property. Many factors come into play to accomplish this job. Anyone can just stick up a sign on your property, kick their feet up, sit back and wait. But a quality real estate agent and real estate company uses all the tools in the marketing toolbox in getting your property to the right audience with a blueprint for results. Sometimes this might require getting outside the “box” with a creative approach to achieve a successful transaction.
Not all real estate agents are created equal or have the same aggressive marketing concepts or work ethic. A superior marketing strategy requires an agent to be proactive, not passively waiting for things to happen. You, the seller, need a dedicated, enthusiastic agent who is willing to adjust as needed or attack the marketing from a different angle when needed. That means, backing up and looking at the property through the eyes of a buyer to help showcase the strengths of it.
Each and every property requires its own unique advertising plan. Some examples of marketing strengths for homes include knowledge on how to price the home in its local market, showcasing special details such as trim, flooring, storage, recent updates, space for entertaining, energy efficient features, backyard assets, gutters, sharing room and garage sizes (helps for those looking online!) and etc. Another area that buyers are interested in knowing, include school districts, extracurricular activities in the area, commutes to shopping or dining, to name a few. Knowing what is most beneficial to highlight, allows the agent to customize the marketing.
Another beneficial tool that gives your property a competitive marketing edge is professional photography. Add to that—when representing rural acreage, farm, or ranch—drone photos that highlight features not easily seen from the ground. Or drone videos. A drone video or picture assists with hard-to-see features. And a drone video can actually “walk” a buyer throughout the whole property and help them to see themselves using the tract as well as viewing all the acreage’s special qualities.
Having an agent who knows the local area goes a long way in best presenting your property, especially rural properties. Rural acreage values and benefits are very different than big-city lots or acreage tracts closer to the metropolitan areas. When marketing rural land and ranch tracts, a list of items factor into how to highlight its assets. Some of those include superior soil types, potential for future development including access to utilities (not all land has access!), future pasture or hay production, maintaining or attaining an Ag-Exemption (or even knowing what that is), livestock water sources, good fencing, water well accessible or not, potential build sites, type (and amount) of livestock the ground can support, hunting or recreational uses, or opportunities for improvement in creating equity. Selling farms and ranches can require more research because every tract has its own unique characteristics.
As part of doing the necessary land or acreage research at Janet Martin Realty, we usually provide the buyers with detailed maps such as contour maps, flood plain maps, topo maps, soil maps, pipeline maps (if any), aerial photos, and etc. These are highly useful tools that can be shared online as well. Regardless of home or land, as a seller, you want to ensure that your property receives the best marketing game plan going forward. First impressions have a huge impact. Before hiring an agent, that agent should be able to provide you with a methodical promotion plan created for your unique property. For example, at Janet Martin Realty, we have a whole listing (seller’s) package that also includes a specific list of where your property will be seen online and in print.
In the end, a good real estate agent takes a lot into consideration when setting your property up for success. Getting the highest possible outcome is more easily achieved from a professional, results-orientated agent and company that is constantly focused on aggressive marketing and providing top-notch customer service. Don’t skimp on picking the best agent to represent you. If you work with a go-getting agent that can create an aggressive marketing package for your property, you’ll be more confident when it is time to sell.
About the Contributor: Tom Hendricks Real Estate Services is a professional multi-million-dollar producing agent at Janet Martin Realty. Tom’s extensive experience and knowledge in marketing and presentation provides superior service for all types of real estate throughout north east Texas. Tackling real estate with integrity that earns his client’s trust, he credits all his success directly to those who continue to place their trust and repeat business with him. Tom develops and works with each property with an individual strategy to achieve the desired results for his clients. To find out how he can help you, call or text him at 903-438-6925.
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